Hey, my name is Amira Cowell. I am 17 years old and I am a junior in high school. In my ... Learn More
Amira Cowell
About Me
Hey, my name is Amira Cowell. I am 17 years old and I am a junior in high school. In my free time I like to practice sports, my favorite sport is volleyball. I also participate in choir gymnastics and softball. In my free time I also like to watch and support the other Luverne teams. When I finish high school I would like to attend college to either become an orthodontist or to take part in a business somewhere. Thank you to everyone who supports the SWMN CEO program and we appreciate your time and consideration that you give towards this program.
About My Business
Amira Cowell is the creator and owner of Cowells Cake Pops. Cowells Cake Pops sells cake pops with great Designs. Cowells Cake Pops was created because of the love for cake pops and baking. Amira made this company to serve others a sweet treat. Amira hand makes all her cake pops and designs all them by hand.
Amira Cowell's DISC Profile
You can be considered "quiet" in team settings or when in the midst of heated debates
You tend to be always ready to converse with a group, even with people you've just met
You prefer an environment that allows for lots of consistency, dependability, and structure
You like things to be done the "right way" according to standard operating procedure.