Hello, my name is Ana Wolf. I am 16 years old and a current Junior at Adrian High School. In school ... Learn More

Ana Wolf
About Me
Hello, my name is Ana Wolf. I am 16 years old and a current Junior at Adrian High School. In school I participate in Volleyball, Student Council, National Honor Society, and Wrestling Stats. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I am looking forward to gaining communication skills and learning what it looks like to start and run a business this year. I would like to thank all of the supporters that have made it possible for me to take this program, and I am very excited for CEO this year!

Ana Wolf's DISC Profile
You are usually very supportive of decisions made by others on the team
You like a flexible environment that allows for creativity
You are very predictable, in a good way. You're always there, ready to pitch in, and complete the assignment
You might be perceived as a bit of a rule bender by your team